Ways To Help Your Dog Feel Better After Neutering

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Ways To Help Your Dog Feel Better After Neutering

19 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Having your dog neutered is usually the responsible choice, for both you and your dog. You won't have to worry as much about your dog becoming aggressive as he grows older, and he will also enjoy a reduced risk of testicular cancer. Neutering is a pretty simple procedure, and most dogs recover with no worrisome or lasting side effects. However, there are a few things you can do to help keep your dog comfortable after the procedure.

1. Feed them a soft diet

For a day or two after neutering, consider feeding your dog a softer diet than usual. You can give him less kibble and more canned food, or you can add some broth or canned green beans to his meals. Softer foods make for softer stools, and your dog will have an easier time passing softer stools while he's sore and healing from his neutering procedure.

2. Make sure your dog has everything they need without going up or down stairs

Going up and down stairs can be a little tough for a dog who has just been neutered. For at least three or four days, make sure your dog has everything he needs on one level. This may mean you have to sleep downstairs on the couch if your bedroom is upstairs and he's used to sleeping with you. It might mean moving his food upstairs if it's usually in the basement. The fewer stairs your dog needs to climb, the better.

3. Ask the vet for pain relievers

Some vets will automatically prescribe pain relievers for their patients who've been neutered. Others do not prescribe these medications unless it's requested. Either way, make sure you leave the vet's office with pain relievers and give them to your dog as instructed. This will help ease the pain and inflammation in the days following neutering.

4. Provide a comfortable bed and lots of petting to keep your dog happy without activity

Your dog should not run and play too much in the days following his neutering procedure. Some dogs can get bored when they're not able to run and play, so do your best to keep your dog entertained anyways. Give him an extra comfortable bed, and spend lots of time just cuddling and petting him. This will also keep his stress level down so he can heal better.

Neutering is a pretty simple procedure, and with the tips above, you can ensure your dog's recovery period is also simple.